When I tap into my intuition, I get very clear instructions about what to do. So why don’t I do this all the time?  I could just be checking in every single day, every single moment, to see what is going to give me the most relief, what’s going to give me the most ease, what is going to help me move forward. And instead I am more often doing what comes easy to me to do, what is my habit to do, what is my pattern to do, what I’ve done before, because that voice is louder. That voice is more familiar. That voice seems easier. 

Any question that I have, any problem, any issue, literally anything, if I sit and I receive about that question or that problem or that issue, I will find the right answer.

But what this requires from me, to be able to receive, is that I put my ego aside. That I put my identity aside, I put my known self aside, I put who I think I am aside. If I don’t put these things aside, I can’t receive the helpful guidance, and putting these things aside, while ultimately feeling like a huge relief, is really hard to do because the ego is loud and it’s strong, and it has ingrained itself deep within us, telling us that there is an intrinsic purpose to it, whether that’s protecting us, whether that’s keeping us alive — it has taught us that we can’t survive without it. 

This is how hypnosis works (as well as how doing intuitive readings works). The ego is given the chance to rest. It works so hard to constantly gaslight us into believing we’ll die without it! While the ego is at rest, the other parts of you that have been suppressed by the noise of the ego get to surface and offer their voices. These are voices that don’t contain fear, or worry, or hate. These voices express our hopes and dreams, and the lightness of being that is available to us. 

If someone could offer you the chance to experience yourself without the fear of the ego, without the stress and hardship of the ego, without the limitations of the ego, would you want to experience that? 


gemini season mood board
