Intro to Working with the Shadow Workshop Video


This is a video of a previously-held online Intro to Shadow Work workshop. (Personal shares from previous attendees has been cut out.)

A shadow is what happens when something blocks light from reaching somewhere. “Shadow” describes the darker visual layer created, but it is not just any dark shape, a shadow is inextricably linked to the act of blocking of light reaching somewhere. When we approach ourselves in shadow-work, we are not just working with hidden uncomfortable feelings, we are working with the history of blocking actions that these feelings require to exist. So we’re working not with static emotions, but with active behaviors connected to these emotions. And what we’re working towards is moving out of our own way in order to let our lights shine in an active way.

Shadow-work is an active, ongoing practice of engaging with the emotions and the actions of the self while observing and accepting them in a new and different way, in order to experience life in a new, more peaceful way. It is not just a singular peeling back of the top layers of the self in order to access what is kept hidden away below, nor does it have to re-traumatize in order to heal. It is a continuous exploration of how we behave due to these hidden parts, and a continuous negotiation with how we would prefer to behave, despite the influence of our shadow.

This workshop is specifically not a shadow-work workshop where you will be triggered in order to heal, or forced into a dark place in order to face your demons. It is a place to neutrally explore tools and methods to feel comfortable to safely work with your shadow on your own time, in your own time. There is no need to rush into healing, or make yourself uncomfortable to do so. This workshop is about support and community, not about pushing past any of your boundaries (boundaries are there to make you feel safe and we will respect that). The purpose is to help you to gain knowledge and confidence to approach your shadow as part of your life journey.

Some discussion points:

  • Shame as an important co-conspirator of keeping our shadow in the dark. When hidden, our shadow remains unhealed because whatever can’t be seen, can’t be healed.

  • How to approach judgement and feelings of self-betrayal.

  • How to open up to trusting the self and others despite the distrust intertwined with the shadow.

Outline of workshop:

  • Guided meditation for meeting the shadow

  • Creating a safe container to approach the shadow as a friend to the self, as well as to move out of old patterns of behavior

  • Discussion of how the shadow manifests for us today (self-image, family dynamics, money and jobs, intimacy) and how it intersects with societal struggles we face

  • Collective support for moving beyond feelings of shame, hurt and anger in order to get to the heart of the shadow

When you order, you will receive a document that contains a link to a private video file in Vimeo, which you can access to watch, or to download and keep, and watch an unlimited amount of times. If you have trouble accessing the file, email me!

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